Children's Ministry
8:45-9:45- Child Care
10-noon - First Look
For Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-school
Children at this age are trying to figure out everything in life. Here they will learn these key truths-God made me. God loves me. God wants to be my forever friend. Part of the time together includes story time, worship, and crafts. Being a parent is a huge job, but you are not alone. We want to partner with you and make a difference in the lives of your kids.
10-11- Logos Jr.
For children in Kindergarten to 5th grade.
During this time, we will have large group, small group teaching, and craft time. This time is used to help the children go deeper in their walk with the Lord, and we are using the Kids' Travel Guide material. Some of the topics that we have covered are the Fruit of the Spirit and the Lord's prayer.
11-12 Noon Go! Material
For Children in Kindergarten to 5th Grade
Time together includes worship, Large Group teaching, and small group teaching. "Simply put each of the lesson is designed to be an interactive experience that transforms the kids minds, hearts, and hands. Not only is it important for kids to know God with their minds, it is essential that they love God and engage Him in their hearts as wel." Mooblio. For more information, go to
Wednesdays AWANA BEGINS September 27th!
AWANA program for children 3 yrs through the 5th grade
Infants-3 year olds- Nursery Care
Going Deep
Kids 4 years old to 5th Grade
Our time together includes worship, game time, and teaching.
We have 3 different tracks that are offered:
4 year olds to Kindergartners- age appropriate small group teaching
1st to 5th Grade Dig Site- Bible Quizzing
The Quiz Team studies 1-2 books of the Bible, then about 5 times out of the year, we quiz against other teams from other churches. It's a great and fun way to get God's Word into your heart.
1st to 5th Grade- Non Quizzing- age appropriate small group teaching
Special Needs
It does not matter if a child is in a wheelchair, is deaf, or has Autism. We are all special and important to God. Pastor Amanda encourages each child and adult to see each other the way Christ sees us-from the inside out. We will do our best to include each child with the rest of the group and sometimes pairing them with a Buddy. Each child should have a chance to connect with the love of Jesus and other people.